Off-Campus Housing
Monroe Community College takes special pride in helping students find affordable and suitable housing. MCC's Housing & Residence Life Office maintains and provides a list of area housing complexes for students. These pages and brochures are designed to assist students who are beginning the process of securing off campus housing.
Please note: The College has no affiliation with any of the accommodations listed on this web site or in the brochures. It is the student's responsibility to fully inspect the property before entering into a lease agreement. The College does not inspect, approve, or supervise any of the premises listed. The College does not become a party to landlord-tenant matters.
Brighton Fire Department Live-In Program
The term 'Live-In" represents a unique community service opportunity with the Brighton Fire Department. The "Live-In" is a person who serves the department and community in a volunteer capacity (for 25 hours per week) as a "live-in" or "residential" fire fighter. In return, the fire department provides living accommodations for Live-Ins at no cost.
All Live-Ins must be matriculated, full-time students in an area college, and be at least 18 years of age, or have the consent of a parent/guardian and meet a minimum firefighter training standard at the beginning of the academic year.
Live-ins will be required to maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to stay eligible in the program.
Live-Ins will be provided with a bed, desk, dresser and internet access as well as laundry and kitchen facilities.
Learn more about the Brighton Fire Department Live-In Program.
Off Campus Housing Resources
Please note: Financial Aid may not be applied to off campus housing.
The Housing and Residence Life Office maintains a listing of landlords with current rental property. If you are a landlord and would like to list your available housing in our Housing & Residence Life Office, please contact us at (585) 292-3674. The Landlord/homeowner Application may be submitted to the Housing & Residence Life Office. Forms may be faxed to (585) 292-3865, mailed or delivered in person.
All applications are kept on file for three months. After three months your application will be taken out of the Housing & Residence Life file. Landlords will need to file a new application. All applications will be screened by the Housing & Residence Life Office for content. If any material is against the fair housing laws, discriminated against any group of people (based upon race, national origin, gender, disabilities, ethnic background, and/or sexual orientation), the application will be removed.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
West Canal Hall, First Floor
M - F 10:00am - 5:00pm
(585) 292-3674